Season 1
Season 1 of The Lit Fantastic was released in July 2017 on both Soundcloud and iTunes. We’re adding this index to make it easy to find the episodes. Special thanks to my post-pilot producer, Jenna Yokoyama, and to KBOO 90.7 FM, Portland’s Community Radio Station, where this podcast series was recorded.
- Episode 01: Eugenia Leigh (Worldbuilding & Fantasy) [pilot]
- Episode 02: Helene Achanzar (Lighthouses & Buffy)
- Episode 03: Valynne Maetani (Gaudy, Ugly, & Wonderfully Different)
- Episode 04: David Campos (Roleplaying Games & Community)
- Episode 05: Jessica Piazza (Obsessions)
- Episode 06: Noel P. Mariano (Sidekicks & Superheroes)
- Episode 07: Jeannine Hall Gailey (The End of the World, and After)
- Episode 08: Hélène Cardona (Translation & Renaissance Women)
- Episode 09: Brent Fisk (Basketball & Aging)
- Episode 10: Lee Herrick (Institutions, JFK, & Social Justice)
Episodes are available on SoundCloud and iTunes.